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第456章 fighter

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after all of the stealg and heatg ou,

probabl thk that,

i hold resentnt for ou,

but uh uh, oh no, ou're rong,

'ae if it asn't for all that ou tried to do,

i ouldn't kno,

jt ho apable i a to pull through,

so i anna sa thank ou,

'ae it,

akes that uh stronger,

akes ork a little bit harder,

it akes that uh iser,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

ade lea a little bit faster,

ade sk a little bit thiker,

akes that uh sarter,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

never sa it og,

all of our bakstabbg,

jt so ou ould ash on a good thg,

before i'd realize our ga,

i heard ou're gog round,

pg the viti no,

but don't even beg feelg,

i' the oo b,

'ae ou dug our on grave,

after all of the fights and the lies,

'ae ou're antg to haunt ,

but that on't ork anore, no ore,

it's over,

'ae if it asn't for all of our torture,

i ouldn't kno ho to be this a no,

and never bak don,

so i anna sa thank ou,

'ae it,

akes that uh stronger,

akes ork a little bit harder,

it akes that uh iser,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

ade lea a little bit faster,

ade sk a little bit thiker,

akes that uh sarter,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

ho ould this an i thought i kne,

tu out to be unjt so ruel,

ould onl see the good ou,

pretend not to see the truth,

ou tried to hide our lies,

disguise ourself,

through livg denial,

but the end ou'll see,

ou on't s ,

i a a fighter and i,

i a't gonna s,

there is no tug bak,

i've had enough,

akes that uh stronger,

akes ork a little bit harder,

it akes that uh iser,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

ade lea a little bit faster,

ade sk a little bit thiker,

akes that uh sarter,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

ou thought i ould fet,

but i rebered,

'ae i rebered,

i rebered,

ou thought i ould fet,

i rebered,

'ae i rebered,

i rebered,

akes that uh stronger,

akes ork a little bit harder,

it akes that uh iser,

so thanks for akg a fighter,

ade lea a little bit faster,

ade sk a little bit thiker,

akes that uh sarter,

so thanks for akg a fighter~”


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