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大家在看与美女荒岛求生的日子 我有一座随身农场 脑海里飘来一座废品收购站 修真四万年 山村野花开 对不起,我无敌了十亿年 恶魔总裁霸道宠:老婆,太惹火 最狂战神 军神出狱 全球震惊:开局物价贬值十亿倍 
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第540章 can't take my eyes off you

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《an't take ees off ou》

“ou're jt too good to be true,

an't take ees off ou,

ou'd be like heaven to touh,

i anna hold ou so uh,

at long st love has arrived,

and i thank god i' alive,

ou're jt too good to be true,

an't take ees off ou,

pardon the a that i stare,

there's nothg else to opare,

the sight of ou leaves eak,

there are no ords left to speak,

but if ou feel like i feel,

please let kno that it's real,

ou're jt too good to be true,

an't take ees off ou,

i love ou bab,and if it's quite all right,

i need ou bab to ar the lonel night,

i love ou bab,

trt hen i sa (it's) ok,

oh prett bab,don't let don,i pra,

oh prett bab,no that i found ou sta,

and let love ou,oh bab,let love ou, oh bab,

ou're jt too good to be true,

an't take ees off ou,

ou'd be like heaven to touh,

i anna hold ou so uh,

at long st love has arrived,

and i thank god i' alive,

ou're jt too good to be true,

an't take ees off ou,

i love ou bab,and if it's quite all right,

i need ou bab to ar the lonel night,

i love ou bab,

trt hen i sa,

oh prett bab,don't let don i pra,

oh prett bab,no that i found ou sta,

and let love ou,oh bab,let love ou, oh bab~”



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经典收藏月落寒林 风之欲 全能数学家 觉醒三光神水之后,我成了团宠 我,潇洒哥,竟然被迫做道士 重生2002之潇洒人生 重生之豪门废少的逆袭 抱歉,我已被纯欲学姐撩回家! 今天开始做自己,小小赘婿的逆袭 别人苦修我速成,狂斩亿万敌成圣 超级英雄元真 创世到寂灭尽头 末法之妖孽符神 斗罗大陆之霸王降世 我可以进入游戏世界 海岛求生与女子特种兵的求生之旅 一品狂神 绝世狂兵 等身天后 穿越:系统降临从造车到宇宙黑企 
最近更新一剑凌霄 女总裁的妖孽狂兵 无敌鉴宝高手 养殖暴富:只因遭雷劈 刀剑斩神,我的契约灵全是萝莉 妻子儿子选白月光,我走你们哭啥 墨者之量子古武 娶了棺中女帝,我在都市修仙 我与外星人拜把子 开局被顶替,我越战越勇 末日之巅:破晓黎明 机甲只是限制器?肌因锁,开! 圈养修仙 恶毒哥嫂欺凌下的挣扎与破茧重生 觉醒最废奶妈?开局融合曼陀罗蛇 开局爆改天赋,然后一路无敌! 天后为救亲人,把我当工具人 重生97:我成了房地产大亨! 更新一章获得一件道具 祭世 
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